This is NOT a Day Spa. There is NO FLUFF Here.
If you are in pain, a full-body massage is a waste of your money; sadly, that is exactly what you will end up getting at most other places offering massage in Omaha. The Muscle Medics is the only massage clinic in the Omaha area that specializes solely in Pain-Relief. We will find the root cause of your pain and eliminate it.
We are looking forward to showing you the difference, and helping you improve your situation.

Scott Lindquist, LMT
In 2008, Scott opened The Muscle Medics with one goal–to help people out of pain.
He now teaches his advanced system of massage therapy to therapists throughout the world. His passion is to spread the word about the extraordinary benefits medical massage produces for clients.
“I have been practicing medical massage therapy since 2003. From day one, my focus has been learning the role that muscle tension plays in the chronic pain cycle. Since then, I have continually been astounded by just how many conditions arise from chronically tensed and hardened muscles.
I consider myself lucky to have witnessed hundreds of people overcome their pain; many of whom had gotten no results with surgery, physical therapy, chiropractic, or exercise.
I am especially proud of, and thankful for, all of my clients that have believed in the process, and exercised such consistency and determination that made it possible to have achieved such incredible results. It is because of their efforts that I can believe 100% in what I do, and continue to help people from all walks of life.”

Bree Cameron, LMT
Medical Massage Therapist
Bree graduated from the Myotherapy Institute of Lincoln in 2014. Since then, she has been passionate about helping people have less pain.
She is an extremely skilled therapist who gets straight to the point of what’s bothering you, and works toward correcting it.
Bree is especially good with upper backs and necks.
“After school I was really questioning being a massage therapist. I didn’t want to work for a day spa, or do cookie cutter massage like you’re taught in school. When I found The Muscle Medics, it was a huge breath of fresh air. I found my home as a therapist. Working on people and watching their pain dissipate is so inspiring and makes me feel really lucky to be able to provide that for them. It feels good to actually HELP people, and not do the same routine over and over.”

Hannah Engstrom, LMT
Medical Massage Therapist
Hannah is an incredibly skilled deep-tissue therapist.
She has a knack for finding all of the perfect spots… and isn’t afraid to actually WORK THEM.
Her #1 goal is to help you be pain-free, and she is damn good at it.

Emily Olsen, LMT
Medical Massage Therapist
Relief Is Only A Click Away!
Contact us today and find out what medical massage can do for you.
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Massage Therapist Position Available!
The Muscle Medics are looking for a Rockstar therapist to help us battle the pain epidemic, and educate new clients about the incredible benefits medical massage therapy offers.
If you have any of the following personality traits, chances are you will be very successful at The Muscle Medics…
friendly, energetic, personable, optimistic, driven, dependable, conversational, fun, sense of humor, passionate about massage, active, reads to learn, and an awesome person in general!
If you have ALL of the above traits, please contact us IMMEDIATELY!
If the following describes your style toward massage, then you will probably be very successful with The Muscle Medics…
A natural tendency toward, or wanting to do only deep-tissue.
The stamina/fitness to perform 5-6 sessions in a day.
The patience/endurance to apply deep pressure, slowly and steadily, and being thorough before moving on.
An interest in working solely on helping problematic areas, using your creative problem-solving skills, and not doing the same cookie cutter full body routine all day.
The desire to learn and be able to identify common pain patterns, and the correct way to reduce them.
Here are SOME of the benefits you will enjoy…
– The business is fully owned and operated by a MASSAGE THERAPIST. No slaving away for a rich corporate owner or chiropractor who doesn’t understand the demands of your work. We will never ask you to do anything we haven’t already done.
– Hydraulic Tables. No more hurting your back and neck because the table is too high or low, and no rushing to change the height in between clients!
– Flexible Scheduling. Early on, the majority of the hours will probably be 4-7pm, and Saturdays 9am-3pm. Eventually, you will be able to expand those hours to whenever you want to work. You are not expected to sit around and wait if nobody is booked.
– Spacious Treatment Rooms. We designed our rooms during the initial buildout specifically for massage. No more killing your back by cramming into tiny little rooms designed for something else.
– Training in Medical Massage and how to eliminate the most common aches and pain conditions. You will grow as a therapist.
– You will be taught how to REBOOK clients naturally following a simple process. Our clients are looking to solve a problem, so most of the time they will ask YOU when they need to come back. This skill will keep you successful your entire life.
If the above statements are reflective of who you are, and what you want, then we would LOVE to hear from you!
Please contact us by email with the subject line “ASSOCIATE OPPORTUNITY.” Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!